Write on the Sound
Official logo for Write on the Sound Conference

Curiositales Magazine
In this issue of Curiositales Magazine, Catherine Linka talks about how writing What I Want You to See altered how she thinks and speaks about young adults experiencing homelessness.

“Gripping!” says SLJ
“Will surely spark deep discussions around contemporary art and the economic pressures of attending art school.”

Vroman’s Launch Party for WHAT I WANT YOU TO SEE
Come celebrate the launch of WHAT I WANT YOU to see Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 7PM at Vroman's in Pasadena. Address is 695 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena. There will be cookies!!! One lucky attendee will win a MOMA art tote.

“Through Sabine’s first-person narrative, interspersed with “sketches” of her previous life, Linka crafts a unique story, both a twisty thriller and an indictment of education’s high cost and the risks taken in pursuit of a dream.”

WHAT I WANT YOU TO SEE is “Engrossing”
From Kirkus Reviews: “An engrossing novel about art, self-expression, and making amends.“

A Starred Review from Booklist
Clear-sighted and heartbreakingly true, this is a genuine portrait of a girl in quiet crisis learning to see things as they are.

SCIBA Fall Trade Show
Catherine Linka will sign advance copies of WHAT I WANT YOU TO SEE at the reception alongside 20 authors/illustrators. Appetizers and cocktails. Attendees will include independent booksellers and local educators.

American Library Association
Catherine Linka will be signing advance review copies of WHAT I WANT YOU TO SEE at the American Library Association Annual Convention in Washington D.C. on Sunday, June 23 at 3 PM at Booth 1248 alongside Julie Drake, author of THE LAST TRUE POETS OF THE SEA.

Pasadena Loves YA
Author Catherine Linka will moderate a panel with YA authors, Julie Berry, Abdi Nazemian and Derek Milman at Pasadena Loves YA on Saturday, September 21, 2019 at the Pasadena Public Library.

Huffington Post Books features interview with Catherine Linka
The Huffington Post Books blog recently published an interview by screenwriter Devra Maza with Catherine Linka titled, “Becoming Fearless: A Conversation With A Girl Undone Author Catherine Linka“. Maza praises both Linka and her writing.

Monstrous Panel at the American Library Association
In a panel entitled “Zombies, and Vampires, and Spooks–Oh My” organized by United for Libraries and presented at the annual conference of the ALA, Catherine Linka discussed monstrousness in classic horror, dystopian, and psychological thrillers.

Glitter Magazine Author Crush Fridays Interviews Catherine Linka
Catherine and Glitter talked about inspiring girls and women, and what she hopes readers will take away from A Girl Undone.

What Rejection Really Means and How to Survive It
Catherine talked to SCBWI-LA members at the San Fernando Schmooze about the real reasons manuscripts are rejected by agents and publishers and how to best weather the experience.

10 Tips for Writing Unforgettable Villains
Catherine offered ten tips for writing unforgettable villains on the blog Adventures in YA Publishing.

“Add A Girl Undone to Your Summer Reading List” declares Nina Perez, Miss Heard Magazine
“Overall, I absolutely recommend this book to any YA dystopian lover…I found the pacing steady without becoming predictable or stagnant. When I thought the story was going in one direction…it would suddenly shift…”